
PT Identix Pratama Indonesia is a company founded on February 17, 2018 which is engaged in trading and procurement of goods and services. Our company started by producing hand-drawn batik fabrics and their derivatives, namely ready-to-wear and accessories. handmade batik can be done within 2-3 months per cloth, manual printing batik can be done 1-2 months per 12 fabrics. The production facility has 2 workshops and 10 tailors, where the batik that is designed is only one design for one special customer

Many customers from Singapore, Spain, China, Turkey, Japan, are interested because of the character designs and types of custom handmade batik

The Vission

Making IDENTIX one of the identities of the Indonesian nation that dominates the global market

The Mission

Being a superior batik producer and characterizing the wealth of the Indonesian nation that penetrates the international market.

Acting as a driving force for the people’s economy through export-quality creative products.

Responding to the needs of the millennial generation in Semarang and Indonesia as a forum for creativity through the work of Identix.

Give pride to customers when using batik as an Indonesian cultural identity.

How it Started

Batik is one of Indonesia’s cultural heritages that has been recognized worldwide. This made Irma Susanti, as a young person, maintain her sense of intention to make batik, so that her worries about batik would not be recognized by other countries.

The founder of PT Identix Pratama Indonesia is ​​Irma Susanti

In 2016, Irma started working on creating her own hand-drawn batik with contemporary themes or natural themes. Currently his work is worldwide by bringing batik in various countries
This started with a mother figure who inspired Irma to introduce written batik from a young age, which was then transformed into a product that had superior quality and image and was able to compete with other competitors.

Our Value Identix

About Us

Customer Focus

Customer needs and satisfaction are our main focus by providing excellent service


We are committed to continuously providing the best for our customers and upholding the principle of integrity in all of our work and services


We place our stakeholders as the main partners


In working and interacting with stakeholders, we emphasize the importance of professional principles that will take us to go beyond
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